Sunday, 13 February 2011

Swell Time on Fidra

Forecast was for F3 and rain. And, perhaps of a bit more concern, a good three metre swell.  The vague plan was to meet at North Berwick and paddle west to Fidra. 

We met at North Berwick right enough, but the dumping surf persuaded several of us that launching from the harbour was the better option.  Although the swell was sweeping round the harbour wall, it was more manageable there.

So without too much fuss, we all launched, and eleven of us took to the water.  There was no rain and the sky was brightening up.  We all managed to get out of the breaks, and onto the open Forth.  Although it wasn't dumping surf, in the sense of ten foot walls of water, it was still enough to give folk a thump, and remind them who was the 'boss'. 

Bit once out in the fairway, life was much easier ...

The swell was always there, although it doesn't really come out in the photographs ...  From the 'uphill' view ..

Both Lamb and Fidra were crossed on the north side.  Lunch was held on the west side of Fidra

Watching the swell coming round ...

Some time was spent watching the water on the south side of Fidra.  It was probably the roughest I've seen it, with some powerful sets coming through. 

However, by the time we finished lunch, they were much reduced, so we went through, albeit a few at a time ...

It was a faily quiet paddle back to North Berwick, with a little bit surf to negotiate to get back into the bay.  But everyone made it.  All in all, an interesting day, and shows how just one element can change the seriousness of what is normally a straighforward paddle. 

Monday, 7 February 2011

Petico Wick

After what feels like a long break, finally made it out on to the water.  Work and the weather have both conspired to prevent earlier trips.  Sunday's weather was nothing special either, ans must confess was tempted to lie in bed.   There wasn't much wind, but it was raining steadily, plus there was some mist. 

The journey across to Eyemouth didn't start well - the windscreen wiper fell off the car.  Not a good start.  So it was the good old duct tape to the rescue.  It held for the rest of the journey, and through today's heavy downpours.

Went from Eyemouth up to Petico Wick and back.  A dull, wet, overcast day.  Lunch was, well, wet ...

Played amongst the rocks on the way back, with a few porpoises being spotted.  

Although it was a dreich February day, it was good to be out again, and, although it doesn't sound it, was worth getting out of bed for ...